KPYC Petition from New Castle Residents in Support of Our Dock

We, the residents of New Castle, and surrounding communities, support the dock being proposed by the Kittery Point Yacht Club and ask that the Zoning Board approve the request for a variance. 

We have reviewed the updated plans and feel the request for a variance meets the five criteria. 
The variance would not be contrary to the public interest and there is no substantial proof that it would diminish the value of surrounding properties. We agree with the local real estate professionals that have made this point.

The proposed dock does not impede nautical traffic in the area in which it would occupy, including kayaks. The area of maximum depth would be mainly unobstructed at mean low tide. The dock is designed to continue to allow what little traffic that uses this area to easily continue to do so. It has been professionally designed by a highly respected engineering firm and has adhered to all DES and Army Corp of engineering specifications. This dock will not prevent navigation along the coast.

This section of 1B is not particularly dangerous and we do not feel this threatens public safety. If anything it improves public safety. Many of the local residence adhere quite closely to the posted speed limit due to the frequent police presence on the adjacent properties. There have not been any traffic injuries or accidents associated with the club’s use of the land to date. The club regularly congregates on this property without incident. 

KPYC purchased the property in December of 2022. Pedestrians are welcome in this area since it is frequented by walkers, bikers and runners. The future potential for the elevated causeway project and the associated sidewalks will only make street crossings even safer.  

KPYC will not be increasing its membership count with this addition. We will only be making our club a safer more practical facility for our members and students.

Due to the unique nature of the lot and since KPYC owns the facility across the street there is very little need for a structure on this property. The club want to minimize impact here. The Zoning Board of Adjustments exists to grant exceptions since no Zoning Ordinance can be equitably applied to every parcel of land. This lot clearly falls in the category of those parcels which should be granted exception. 

The view as you enter our town will be enhanced with the presence of small boat activities along the shores of Goat island as people come and go to and from Great Island. 

The dock should be granted since our off street parking needs will sustain little if any change and will not interfere with traffic or public safety and function as an asset to the community.